Friday, August 8, 2008

Anniversário da Minha Mãe

Hello from Brazil. I don't have a lot of time but I wanted to give a shout out to my mom because tomorrow is her birthday. I want to wish you a happy birthday. I miss you very much and love you with all my heart. I am in town only for the day. God has changed a lot of things in my life this week and has given me visions for the future of my ministry. God is good and thankful for the salvation that He has given me. Please continue to pray for me and for continuous miracles in my life.
Life in the village is slow and peaceful. The daily routine is about the same everyday. Coffee and reading in the morning. Visits in the afternoon and then school at night. I enjoy the slow pace lifestyle very much and that is something I do not look forward returning to in America. Maybe I just won't return. Just kidding mom, just a joke.
After praying about it this week, I decided to turn down the basketball offer I mentioned in the previous blog. I didn't want to make such a comittment to something so often and so far away. I need to concentrate on my mission at hand and that is the villages of Sao Vincente, which include Corrego do Ouro (where I live), Matta Matta (don't think that is spelled right), and Fartura. They are building a basketball court at the local school now so I want to be available to hold basketball clinics there, a little closer to my home. I'm excited about my mission at hand.
I miss and love everyone. Thank you for prayers and please continue to pray.

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