Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fri. 4.25.08 Josh gets shot

This past Friday night some of the college got together to stuff bags and make signs for the World Changers golf tournament the next morning at Forest Hills. Afterwards, because we were bored and had nothing to do (never a good thing for college students), we started do dumb things that one person would soon regret. Jared Stigler had a bunch of water balloons and a water balloon launcher in his trunk. We were, at first, amused by how far we could launch the balloons, and then we felt the need to launch the balloons at objects and then at people. Josh Sinquefield and Stephen Brannon were the only two dumb enough to stand in the way. Luckily, for Stephen, he didn't get hit, but Josh wasn't so lucky. The pictures will explain the rest!

1 comment:

stephen brannon said...

i wasn't scared! (and i was wearing jeans sooo...)

great blog bro