Tuesday, July 8, 2008


There´s not much new on this side of the world. I have been sitting in the house all day today and haven´t gone anywhere or done anything. My allergies have been driving me crazy for about two weeks and today was probably the worst. I have been taking some medicines for my allergies but nothing has really taken care of the problem until today. I have no clue what I took but I took two of them and they knocked me out all day. I have slept all day and finally got up around 6 tonight. Now it is 11p.m. here and I am not one bit tired, so I figured I would update yall on the last couple of days. Sometime on Friday night half the electricity in the house went out. So half the house doesn´t have power. It just so happens that the computer and phone is on the half of the house that hasn´t had power. So now we have extension chords run all throughout the house so that we could get on the computer and use the phone.
All week we are demolishing houses nearby trying to take anything from the houses that might be able to be reused on another house. There is a big Witcliffe Bible Translators compound right around the corner and they sold the property. Well the man that bought the property is going to bulldoze the whole property. So there are some 20 or 30 houses that will be torn down, so what we are doing is going into these houses and taking anything we can find that can reused. Things like toilets, windows, outlets, doors, etc. It is hard and very tiring work. We are doing that the rest of the week and as soon as we are done I will move out to the village. I´m in the process of trying to finish my house that I will be living in so some of these things that we are getting this week will go into my house. That saves us a lot of money, because money is the whole reason my house isn´t finished yet. We will finish it as the money comes in.
I also got news today that I will be doing my first basketball clinic at the very beginning of August. The pastor from the church in Poconé asked me if I would be willing to come do a one day clinic. Basketball clinics is a vision of mine for here in Brasil. I have been praying that God would allow me to use the game of basketball here in Brasil and he has just opened that door. I´m hoping that it will go well and that because of this clinic other doors will open up allowing me to go into other schools to share the gospel. Please keep praying for me and please beg God to continue to use me to change this huge country of Brasil. Love you and miss you!

Until He Returns.

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