Tuesday, July 22, 2008

To Corrego do Ouro I go

Today is the day! Tonight I finally get to go to Corrego do Ouro. I am so excited. The internet has been down the last 24 hours and I was afraid I wasn´t going to get the chance to put up one final post before I left. I´m leaving in about 30 minutes, so I made one last attempt at the internet and it was working. Thank goodness. In about 30 minutes I am starting a new adventure that I have been anticipating and praying for. The adventure that I have planned the next four months of my life around. It now begins. I spent about two and half hours this morning buying groceries and the things for the house. I am confident that I got everything that I needed. I´m not sure what else to say, but what God has put on my heart the last couple of days. There has been one huge prayer in my life that I have been praying for many many years. This prayer is the number one prayer in my life and it is the most consistent prayer in my life. The prayer is simply this, I have begged God since I comitted my life to the ministry to use me to do big things for His kingdom. This was a prayer full of passion and sincerity. Nothing wrong with this prayer, right? I´m not too sure about that. This prayer gave me a desire to glorify God in everything I do, which there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I had a desire to glorify Him in everything I did all the way to my death. I have recently been convicted of this. I have soon learned that this desire was a selfish desire. I have been begging God to humble me and teach me the prideful areas of my life. He is doing that. He has shown me that I have a larger desire to serve Him if people see me serving Him. In this process of God humbling me, He is teaching me what it truly means to be a servant. Someone who does things that people will never know that he/she did. Someone who rejoices in taking his cloak off and rapping it around his waste, and then washes the feet of those around him. Someone who tears there clothes and run through the streets at any sign of him being glorified and not God (Paul in Acts). In life people always try to be climb the latter of promotion in whatever they do. In our sinful natures, that is true for Christians as well. We desire to be the greatest in the Kingdom. Just like the disciples, we have a desire to do great things for God. This has been a prayer of mine for 8 years, and it is a selfish prayer. In the NBA there is a 6th man award given to the most productive person off the bench. This award is given to show the importance of a second string player, and to show that he is needed as much as the first string players. In an orchestra, the second chair is needed as much the first chair. Christians who surrender themselves and take the behind scene, never recognized, and never given credit for their acts of service, are needed as well. Jesus even says that that person is greatest in the kingdom. There are many of us who are willing to do the great things for the Lord, but few of us who are willing to do the little things (Dwight Moody). That prayer that I have prayed for many years isn´t a bad prayer as long as it is prayed without any selfish motives. God has called us to be servants and serve just as He has served. He has called us to do the little things that never get recognized. But here is another kicker. He wants us to love Him so much in the little things that we do, that we are truly disgusted if any glory or credit is given to us and not Him. We should have a servants heart on top of the servants acts. Our acts of servanthood are done in vain if we do them with a sour heart. Serve Him with a heart of pleasure and serve others as if you were serving Him. Look into the eyes of everyone you serve and find Jesus in them. I have a new prayer now. I now ask God to humble me with every breathe I take. Someone humble serves everyone as if they were a king. As a Christian, have the desire to do the little things for Christ.
Please pray for me as I start on my new adventure. Pastor Waldir is calling me out the door right now so off I go. I love everyone and miss them very much. I have no clue when I will be able to post again. Just keep an eye out. Thanks for everything!

His servant.


The Buckland Fiddler said...

Jonathan, you are such an encouragement and I am blessed to see God working so strongly in you! Thanks for sharing! I am praying for you and am proud of you for what you are doing to further the Kingdom.
Love you bro,
In Christ
Steven Bowman

Unknown said...

Dude,you will be in my prayers always.Love you too,bro!Let´s keep in touch!Carlos Renato