Tuesday, August 19, 2008

On Jonathan's behalf

Now that I have taken over Jonathan's blog, I want to take this moment to say that if Jonathan ever needed encouragement, now is the time.  I talked with him this afternoon and he is in alot of pain as to be expected the day after surgery.  He is in someone else's home, in another country, and can only get out of bed to go to the restroom.  His foot swells terribly if he even lowers it below his heart at all so his trips to and fro are very limited.  He is going back to the doctor tomorrow and they will be able to tell more but for now, without complications, he will not be able to walk on his foot for AT LEAST 3 weeks.  He did mention that he is able to check email, blogs etc. through his IPOD touch (they have wireless there) however it is very hard to type back because it is so small.  He has lots of time you see because he is stuck in one place for long periods of time. SO...please send him a note of encouragement either on this blog or at his email address jsnason@memphis.edu and let him know that you are thinking and praying for him.  He might not respond but know that he is reading them and will be very encouraged by your words.  Jonathan as you all know is very positive about his mission over there and we all want to keep his spirits high as he is trying to do what God has called him to do.  Pray for a quick recovery, wisdom for the doctors and Jonathan, and pray that God would use even this situation to further His kingdom!

Jonathan's sister Amanda

1 comment:

Terri Mallory said...

Jonathan, I am sooo sorry to hear of all your struggles! I know what pain you must be in both physically and mentally. It is hard to be away from your family during all this I am sure. I know it is hard on your family!! I feel sure that the swelling you are having is normal for 1 day post op as is the pain. The biggest issue right now is to get over the infection. If it doesn't look any better when you return to the doctor, you should ask him about rec'ing some IV antibiotics or at least an IM injection (I'm sure that is just what you want, more pain, but in the long run it will be good). I will be praying for you, for pain relief and especially a quicker than normal recovery back to your absolute normal (that is probably questionable)self. I love you and are thinking of you, and still wishing I could be there!!! Hang in there.

Terri Mallory