Saturday, June 28, 2008

Americans are all Gone 6.28.08

     The last couple of weeks were amazing.  God performed miracles and changed peoples lives.  I'm so thankful that I got to be apart of it all.  Yesterday I watched all my friends get on a plane and leave me behind.  There were plenty of tears shed.  Once I saw them get on the plane, it hit me!  I'm really not going home anytime soon.  It scared me a little, but it was also an exhiliration that I can't explain.  I officially changed my ticket.  I cancelled my ticket home on July 1, and I haven't bought a new one home yet.  I didn't buy a new one yet because the travel agents told me it would be cheaper if I bought a ticket closer to the time I wanted to go home.  So I'm not sure when I am coming home yet, but I will be before Dec. 4.  Please pray for me.  I need it right now.  I'm headed hiking with Jr. and he is calling my name telling me it's time to go so I will finish later.   Today will be a blast.  I love and miss everyone!


Unknown said...

Dude,I will be praying for you that God will provide all your needs.Remember He´s our Jehovah-Gireh.I don´t know whether I wrote it correctly.See ya!

jane nason said...

As your heart may ache there, so does my here at home. I'm so proud of you and only want God's will for you. You will never know, this side of eternity, what an impact you have made on the world for Christ these past weeks.

I love you with all my heart,
