Friday, June 6, 2008


Oi! (hello)! I am safely in Brazil. I love it here. Sorry it has taken me so long to post. We have had problems with the internet. Sometimes it works and most times it doesn´t. It´s all good though. For the most part it has been pretty laid back. Pastor Waldir and I have been running a lot of errands. The driving here is crazy. Not as crazy as Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Tonight we are going to a village about 60 miles away. Pastor Waldir said it would take almost 3 hours to get there. That means we will be traveling very slow. Probably because the roads are really bad here. I´m looking forward to it. There we will prepare for the teams that are coming from Faith in a week. The village is a very poor part of the area. The poorest. Pastor Waldir hopes to move there once his wife graduates from nursing school.
Once I got to the airport here Pastor Waldir, his wife, Mary Louis, his daugther, and a friend of his Carlos met me there. Carlos has become a great friend. He has gone out of his way to make me feel welcome. He has taken out to eat and shown me around Cuiaba. Last night he took me to a fancy part for a bunch of architects (he is an architect). It was formal dress and they served us a meal. It was really cool. He also introduced me to some other college guys and one of them speaks English half decent. His name is Ricardo. Ricardo isn´t saved so that is my mission in the next couple of weeks. He has asked some questions the last couple of nights and last night I gave him an Enlgish Bible and shared the Gospel a little bit with him and 2 of the guys that live and go to school with him. They were interested and want to meet the other Americans who are coming to Cuiaba to talk about Jesus. I ask that you would please pray for those guys. Pray that Carlos and I would be able to love them and lead them to Christ. This all I have for now so please pray diliguently I will post once we get back from the village on Monday. Tchau! (goodbye)!

1 comment:

stephen shelton said...

Awesome! Glad things are going well! Praying for you and the guys you're sharing with!