Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Week So Far

It has been one amazing week. God has worked in miraculous ways. He really has. Before today started we have seen almost 2,000 people pray to receive Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. Amen! There are tons of stories that I want to tell and one day I will, but I just want to tell you about one. Yesterday, Julie Locke knocked on a door of a Catholic family. The dad answered the door and said that they could come in. I stayed outside to pray for her. About 15 minutes later she walked out of the house and you could tell by the look on her face that it didn´t go so well. She walked over to me and just started to cry. The family shot her down and it just broke her heart. This is the second time that this has happened to her. She was completely discouraged. She thought it was her fault. She thought that she just wasn´t saying the right thing and that she needed to work on it. I tried to encourage her and share with her that she never fails if she shares her faith. I told her that you only fail when you don´t say anything at all. She planted a seed in their hearts and that is what she has been called to do. The rest of the day she was pretty down about it. Well service came around and you wouldn´t believe who showed up. It was the Catholic family that rejected salvation earlier that day. I saw them and wasn´t sure if that was them because I didn´t go in the house so I didn´t get a good look at their face. I was preaching that night so I laid my heart out their for everyone. I preached as if I would never preach again. When I got to the invitation part of the service, I just prayed for that family. I invited those that wanted to pray to receive Christ to walk down front, and sure enough both the Father and the Mother stood up and walked down to the front. I looked over at Julie, and by the look on her face, I knew for sure that that was the family that she had talked to earlier that day. I was once again amazed at God´s glory and power. I would like to know what went on in that house from the time Julie walked out to the time they came to church, but all I know is that God used the seed that Julie planted and moved in their hearts and eventually it lead to salvation. Julie and I were reminded that we never fail when sharing our faith. We only fail when we don´t share our faith. God is at work here and thank you for your prayers back at home. Please keep praying!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Such a cool story! We love you and miss you!