Sunday, June 8, 2008

The weekend at Colheita

This weekend was amazing. I loved every minute of it. We got there at like one in the morning and then unloaded the truck. I slept great that night. We got up and then started preparing for Saturday night service and the medical team that is coming at the end of June. We cleaned glasses and separated all the medical supplies. Some family of the Souza´s came and helped us. Pastor Waldir also took me to the land that he bought where he has a vision of putting a sports camp there for kids. We spent a good while talking and throwing ideas back and forth at each other. Service on Saturday night was good (as far as I could tell because it was all in Portuguese and I don´t speak Portuguese yet). To end service we all got in a circle to pray. Once I opened my eyes, there was a huge banner infront of me that said, "Welcome to Brasil Jonathan Nason." Then they threw me a surprise party for my birthday which is tomorrow. We have been on the road for 8 hours today plus working in the village all day. I am sojo, which it the Portuguese word for sleepy. I am headed to bed. I pray that everyone is conitinuing to give glory to God in everything they do. Tchau!


Mike Nason said...

I love hearing about your adventures there in Brazil. I check them regularly. I prayed for you yesterday and this morning. Mimi spent the weekend with us and she had lots of questions about your work. We miss you and are praying for you. Happy Birthday! Dad

Amanda said...

I love hearing about what is going on! I am checking daily and love it when I see an update! Happy Birthday..I sent a shout-out to ya on my blog today. I hope you have a wonderful day....we love you so much and miss you already! Can't wait to hear more of what the Lord is doing.

Oh yeah, read my blog on Sunday about "Bienvenidos!" I think we had similar experiences!

jane nason said...

This morning is somewhat emotional for me. It's your birthday and I am replaying all the details of that special day. No one loves a son like their mom. You know how proud I am of you. What I love most about you is your love for the Father and your heart to serve Him. I'm so glad that your Dad and I decided to try one more time to have a baby and you are it.

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. 19!!! hOPE YOU ARE ENJOYING YOUR BIRTHDAY! ive enjoyed reading your blogs, so keep it up. I just wanted to share a though with you because at Englewood, one of the girls from Avalon sung God has no orphans or something like that. It reminded me of the orphange in guatamale and you being in Brazil. It was comforting to be reminded that those kids may not have earthly parents, but God is still their father and He is definately watching over them! Just wanted to share that with you!
Hope you have an amazing birthday! Im so glad you got a surprise party! Let me know any cool portugesse words you learn! haha Im praying for you daily!

Terri Mallory said...

I knew you were going to love Brazil, the DeSouza's, the villages and everything about it!! I am sooo jealous and can't wait to get there with the medical team. I know you will have a blast at the clinic as well. I know you are having the greatest birthday ever but, don't forget about your Moma, she is having a lonley day without her baby boy!
We are so proud of you, I pray you will spend a lot of time with Mitchell next week and he will be greatly influenced by your example.
Love ya, Terri Mallory