Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Amor del Nino 5.27.08

     Today was a day that I was emotional and physically stretched like never before. I got up early again and watch God's amazing sun rise from the east. Today we went to Amor del Nino which is the orphanage here in Guatemala. It is a place that God has his hand on and is working in miraculous ways. Today I got the opportunity to write a Bible verse in the concrete that was just put in. It happened to be my memory verse for the day. Psalm 73:23. It rocks. After that we spent hours laying more concrete for the floor of a bathroom. That was absolutely exhausting. I carried probably 50 5 gallon buckets of rocks and sand. Once we finally finished we got a chance to play with the orphans. This one little boy had no expression. The battery is about to die so I will finish tomorrow. sorry.
     It is tomorrow now so I am finishing this blog. I was telling you about this one little boy who had no expression. He just wanted to held. There was another team from Atlanta, Georgia at the orphanage also. This one girl held this little boy all afternoon. There team left before ours to go to the volcano. She sat the little boy down and he started to cry. She immediately picked him back up. Knowing that she needed to leave, I walked over took the little boy away from her. I held him for about 20 minutes before it was time for us to leave. I sat him down and he began to cry. I knelt down beside him trying to comfort him. A couple of minutes later I stood back up to leave. I looked down at the little boy who had this teary eyed look on his face. The look asked this question, "Who is going to hold me know? Who is going to love me know?" It broke my heart. I dropped to the ground, wrapped him up in my arms, and then began to cry. The boy barried his head in my chest and didn't move. I held him and cried for 20 more minutes, refusing to put him down again. Eventually, after everyone else had gone back to the van, Ryan came and took him from me letting me know that he would take him to a worker and we needed to leave. I let go of the boy, got up, walked to the van, and never looked back. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Once we got in the van and drove off, the crying didn't cease. It only got worse. I began to sob like a baby. It was a very emotional night. It was very humblying and I spent a lot of time asking why?. That boys face and that question of, "Who is going to love me know?" God challenged me with that question.  If I don't love on people and show them God's surpassing love, then who will?  As Christians we are called to love on those people, because if we don't, nobody will.

This little girls name is Hannah.  She has brittle bone disease and is confined to a wheelchair the rest of her life.  She is brilliant though.  She knows three languages and taught herself all three of the languages.  Please pray for her and her little brother who also has brittle bone disease.  Her and her brother are just two of the helpless children that live at Amor del Nino.


stephen brannon said...

hey man - good to read some updates on the team...and you. how bout that sunrise you watched "in the east"?! as opposed to those western sunrises! (sorry bro, had to give you a hard time)

keep on bro, i'm so proud of you and your hard work.

man up

Jonathan Nason said...

i was emphasizing me facing the east waiting for my the return of Jesus

Amanda said...

Great to hear updates...keep them coming. You had me crying!